3 Ingredient Nutella Mousse
This quick and easy no bake dessert recipes features just 3 ingredients. It tastes excellent all by itself or you can enjoy it with...
This quick and easy no bake dessert recipes features just 3 ingredients. It tastes excellent all by itself or you can enjoy it with...
This Cadbury Egg Dip is a Cadbury lovers dream come true! This deliciously creamy dip is full of scrumptious chunks of Cadbury Eggs...
Relive your childhood with these totally adorable (and super yummy!) Easter Bunny Dirt Cups! Hey, y’all! Our five senses trigger...
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Milkshakes feature delicious strawberries blended in strawberry ice cream served in a glass coated in rich...
Celebrate the luck of the Irish with these delcious, easy-to-make s'mores treat!
Forget serving regular popcorn at your next birthday party, sleepover or movie night! Try this quick & easy Emoji Popcorn instead!
Let's face it, teenagers are picky! Check out this amazing teenager approved chocolate emoji bark! These delicious sweet treat is perf
These super simple Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pops are perfect for dessert tables for events like Baby Showers and Birthday Parties!
This super fun, festive, colorful Mermaid Bark recipe is perfect for birthday parties! Hey, y'all! How is your week going? I've been...
Carmelitas are basically the Baking God's gift to Earth. They are a rich, creamy, and chocolaty square of deliciousness that gushes...
This no bake Reindeer Cookie recipe couldn't be any easier to make and is a great project to work on with your little ones! Hey, ya'll! ...
This Bailey's Irish Cream Fudge is simple to make, tastes incredible and is the perfect combination of chocolatey booziness! Hey, y'all! ...
Hey, y'all! I have to admit it... I'm not much of a baker. It isn't necessarily that I can't bake, it's just that I don't. I wasn't...
Hey, y’all! I come from a family of bakers and cooks. When we all get together, there are 3 generations of us piled into the kitchen...
Are you looking for a super easy, cute and fun treat for this football weekend? Score a touchdown with these yummy chocolate covered...
These delicious Pilgrim Hats are perfect for keeping the kiddos occupied while you prepare Thanksgiving Dinner! They require only 4...
Hey, y'all! I've spent a lot of time with my nieces this summer. Since I'm a teacher, I'm off when they are so I get to spend loads of...
Hello, friends! Lately, I've been feeling worn down. We're talking 2-4 cups of coffee, bags under my eyes, zombie shuffle and in bed by...
Hello, friends! If your family is anything like mine, warmer weather means spending more time outdoors. Our family loves to do...
Hello, friends! Last month our family hosted A Night at the Oscars where we had a private screening of two of the Oscar-nominated movies....
Welcome to Maps & Monograms- a lifestyle blog where are the recipes are delicious, easy-to-make, and real southern. Grab a sweet tea, kick back, relax, and stay awhile. We're glad you're here!