Hello, friends! Last month our family hosted A Night at the Oscars where we had a private screening of two of the Oscar-nominated movies. Each of us invited friends and everyone brought a dish to share. My brother Justin is a Grill Master by trade so for him to show up to a family function with something that didn't have grill marks was rather unusual.

I have to be honest, I was a little leery when I saw he made a dessert however... all doubts were gone when I bit into his heavenly creation. Holy hell was it amazing! I mean...chocolate covered Reese's stuffed Oreos? Are you kidding me? This is a fat kids dream!
And before I give you the recipe, he would freaking kill me if he knew I was calling these PMS Cookies. But...it's my job as a sister to screw with him a little, right?
Oreos Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
Separate the cookie sandwiches forming 2 different cookies. Place the cookie with the frosting on it frosting side up on wax paper.
Place a Reese's on top of the icing and place the other cookie on top. Cover each cookie completely with chocolate. If the chocolate is too hot, it will start to melt the Reese's.
Refrigerate to allow chocolate to set.

The Reese's, Oreo and chocolate make for a perfect combination. It's super sweet and guaranteed to give you a tooth ache, but I swear to you it's worth it. These things are incredible! I have to admit it, my brother struck gold with this one!
This would be an excellent addition to a Popcorn & Candy Bar! Be sure to like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more easy-to-make, fun recipes!
If you love chocolate covered snacks as much as I do, be sure to check out my Chocolate Covered Cottontails.