These fabulous Guinness Steak Bites with Gouda Cheese Dipping Sauce was inspired by an amazing dish I had whilst celebrating St. Patty’s Day in the UK. It is full of amazing Irish-inspired flavors that will leave your mouth watering.

Hey, y’all! I have to be honest, I don’t think you’re quite ready for this recipe. It is completely out of this world. This dish was inspired by an appetizer that I had whilst on a trip to England. Several years ago, I went on a trip by myself to England and France. It just so happened that I was in England on St. Patrick’s Day (I know, I know, who goes to England for St. Patty’s Day with Ireland is right next door?). I met a group of people and we all decided to meet up at an Irish Pub for dinner and drinks to celebrate the holiday.
The pub had an absolutely divine menu. I had the hardest time picking out what I wanted to order. I was toying between the idea of ordering a Shepherd’s Pie and Guinness Steak Bites with a Gouda Cheese Dipping Sauce. I ended up getting both, one as an appetizer and one as an entrée. Let me tell you, neither dish disappointed. Ever since that day, I have been dreaming about recreating this dish. Seriously, this stuff is heaven on Earth.

At this point, I was pretty sure I had the recipe all figured out. I decided to make it for our St. Patty’s Day Dinner along with some fabulous Crispy Baked Parmesan Carrot Fries. I have to admit, this is a very hands-on recipe. It is super important to make sure you watch the Guinness as it reduces. Since it has alcohol in it, it gets hot quickly and could easily boil over if you aren’t keeping an eye on it. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than scrubbing burnt sugar off of your stovetop.
How do I prepare this dish?
I like to preheat the griddle and have the Guinness reduction going while I cut my steak cubes so that it is good and hot when I’m ready to start cooking. I also begin working on my Gouda cheese dip as soon as I put the steak down so that it has ample time to melt.
For the steak portion, you can use your favorite beef cut. Filet and tenderloin would be absolutely incredible but I stuck with good ole sirloin simply to keep the cost of this dish down. The wheel of gouda was already going to cost me about $5 and I didn’t want this to become a $20 dish. The sirloin actually works really well with this dish and doesn’t become tough, so long as you cook it properly.
Kitchen Essentials
1.5 lbs ribeye beef, cut into 1 to 1 ½ in cubes 2 tablespoons steak seasoning 1 bottle Guinness 2 tbsp butter 1 tbsp flour 3/4 cup milk 1 1/4 cups smoked Gouda cheese, shredded
1. Heat a flat top griddle, grill pan or large skillet over high heat. 2. Pour the Guinness into a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a simmer and reduce until the liquid measure approximately ⅓ cup. Make sure you keep a close eye on the Guinness to ensure it doesn’t boil over. 3. Thread the cubed beef onto skewers and season with steak seasoning. Drizzle the skewers with olive oil. 4. Add the skewers to the griddle Using a basting brush, brush the top generously with the Guinness reduction. Sear the steak for 2-3 minutes before rotating the skewers ¼ turn. Brush the Guinness on the top side and allow it to cook for another 2-3 minutes. Repeat until all four sides have been seared and all the reduction has been used and the steak is done to your liking. Place the skewers on a serving platter. 5. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and cook for 1-2 minutes, then slowly whisk in the milk. 6. Once the milk has thickened to a cream-like thickness, whisk in the gouda, about ⅓ a time, waiting to add the next batch until the cheese has fully melted. Season with freshly ground pepper and pour into a small bowl. Serve alongside the skewers.

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