Celebrate the Olympics with this quick and easy sweet treat featuring delicious Graham Crackers, sweet M&M's and vanilla frosting.

Hey, y'all! I've always loved watching the Winter Olympics. I remember being very young and laying on my living room floor in absolute awe the young girls that particpating in this world-wide event. When I was younger, my favorite Olympic sports were always gymanastics in the summer and figure skating in the winter. I'm pretty sure that's the same for all young girls, wouldn't you agree?
In honor of this time honored tradition, I created these delightful little bites of heaven. I simply took a graham cracker and coated it in a thin layer of vanilla frosting. I then used 5 M&M's to symbolize each of the Olympic Rings. That's seriously it!
Graham Crackers
Vanilla Frosting

1. Break your graham cracker into half or quarter pieces.
2. Coat each graham cracker with a thin layer of vanilla frosting.
3. Gently place the M&M's in the pattern of the Olympic Rings (see the photo for an example)