Ho Ho Ho! Boy, do I have a treat for you today! Errr... I mean, hey, y'all! We all know that I can't start a blog post any other way, what was I thinking? Have you tried overnight oats yet? They are one of the trendiest breakfast options this year. Overnight oats are made from a 2:1 ratio of liquid to oats, and the flavors of your choice. This is your chance to get creative! You can play around with different combinations like fruits and nuts or you can go all kinds of crazy and make things like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cinnamon Roll, and Pumpkin Pie.

We enjoy overnight oats because they take little to no prep time just before bed and they are ready to go when you wake up in the morning. We store our oats in a Mason jar so they are easy to grab and go. I can savor them in the classroom before the kids start trickling in and my belly stays nice and full until lunch time!

My latest overnight oat recipe was inspired by the holiday season! I decided to play around with an eggnog overnight oat recipe. I love, love, love eggnog but as you can probably tell by the picture, it doesn't necessarily love me. I've never shared this on the blog, but despite all of my dairy filled recipes I'm actually lactose intolerant and I have been since I was an infant. Over the years I have just learned that some foods are worth the belly ache. Luckily, over the years food companies have become a lot better about providing allergy-friendly products. I used gluten-free oats and lactose free eggnog for this recipe, but you can use regular products as well.
1/3 cup rolled oats or quick oats
1/3 cup eggnog
1/3 cup plain yogurt
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Pinch of Salt
1. Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl or jar. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Yep... that's it! I told you it was super easy! Heck, if it isn't easy, I'm not preparing it for breakfast. I'd much rather sleep in than stand at the stove at 6:00 in the morning! Be sure to save this pin for later, you're going to want to try this! Give me a like on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more delicious, quick and easy breakfast ideas like this one. See you next time!