Hey, y'all! Where I come from, football is a family affair. Each Sunday, the entire family gathers at my parent's house to pile in front of the big screen to watch the game. Even my six-month-old niece, Gremlin, will stay alert with her eyes fixated on the screen for most of the game.
The middle niece, Monster, has suddenly decided that most of the food that she once ate is now "disgusting" and professes "I can't like (insert food here)." This week I decided to feature a Saturday Snack's recipe just for kiddos just like Monster.
We started by slicing up a couple of green and red apples. After a quick lesson on plating, we got down to some serious business. It was time to load these bad boys up with goodness!

We drizzle d the apple slices with caramel and then sprinkled mini-chocolate chips and marshmallows on them. I had my oldest niece, Frankenstein, cut the marshmallows in half so they were more proportionate to the apple slices.

We used a squeeze bottle of Hershey's Caramel but it wasn't nearly thick enough. I suggest getting a jar of caramel topping instead or making up a batch of my Dulce de Leche. Both would be a bit thicker and therefore do a better job of holding the toppings on the apples.
Regardless, Monster, Gremlin, and Ashley tore these festive little guys up! They were a super fun snack to munch on while we watched the game last Sunday. Next week I'll be sharing something a little bit more sophisticated ;). I'm thinking a Apple Pecan & Brie Roll Up is in order now that the weather has started to cool off some.