You won't believe how simple and delicious these incredible Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries are!

Hey, y'all! After seeing recipes like Triple Berry Cheesecake Salad, Summer Tiramisu, and Strawberry Cheesecake Dip, I bet you can tell I'm a strawberry fanatic. I love, love, love strawberry season!

If you frequent Maps & Monograms, you also know that I love simple, delicious recipes. I'm all about dicing, stirring, and chilling my way to a stellar dessert. These cheesecake stuffed strawberries couldn't be any easier!
By now, we've all probably seen strawberries like these on Pinterest. There are tons of versions of this recipe out there. Some of them ask you to cut the pointy tip of the strawberry and scoop out the center so you can stuff it. Umm... why would you do that? That's just extraness and a total waste of the fruit itself. This technique is so much simpler!
Rather than scooping out the insides and cutting the pointy tip, simply cut off the stem to form a base. Using a small knife, cut an "x" on the tip of the strawberry and use a piping bag (or plastic bag) to stuff the inside. As you fill the cavity of the strawberry, the fruit opens up like a blooming flower. Add a plump, juicy strawberry to the top of the cheesecake topping and BAM! An instant red, white, and blue cheesecake stuffed strawberry.
My strawberries were pretty ripe so I waited until just before the barbecue to prepare them. If your strawberries aren't quite as ripe as mine, you can prepare your strawberries ahead of time and avoid having the juices leak all over your plate.
2 lbs fresh strawberries
1 8 oz package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup fresh blue berries
1. Wash your fruit and pat dry with a paper towel. Remove the stems from the strawberries and place them cut-side down on a cutting board.
2. Cut a deep "x" from the tip down ensuring that you do not cut all the way through to the bottom.
3. In a medium-sized bowl, beat the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla with a hand mixer until well combined. Your mixture should look nice and fluffy.
4. Gently open up each strawberry and squeeze the filling inside using a piping bag or a Ziploc bag. If you want to be super fancy, use a star piping tip.
5. Top each strawberry with a blueberry.
6. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

I prepared the smaller strawberries a little differently, mostly because I freakin' loved the cheesecake filling and didn't want those sweet little babies to go to waste. For the smaller strawberries or the ones that you may cut a little too deeply, I created a horizontal display rather than the stuffed look we've come to know.

1. Wash the fruit and pat dry with a paper towel. Remove the stem from the strawberries and cut them in half long ways.

2. Flip the strawberries over, cut side down, so that the seeds are exposed. Using a paring knife, remove a small sliver of the strawberry so that it will be able to sit flat on a plate.
3. Using a piping bag or a Ziploc bag, pipe the cheesecake filling onto the cut side of the strawberry and top with blue berries.

Essentially it is the same dessert, just presented in a different manner. Aren't they lovely though? They are abso-freakin-lutely delicious too! I can't wait for you to try them!
Be sure to save this pin for your 4th of July and Labor Day BBQ's! Like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter for more fun recipes like this! See you next time!