Hello, friends! Last month my family hosted a huge Oscar Movie Night my parent's house. And by huge I mean we had about 35 people gathered in their back yard for a screening of two of the Oscar-nominated movies. It was a red carpet affair complete with Hollywood inspired decor, delicious food, and paparazzi.

I guess you could say we really got into this party! Believe it or not, this was actually my dad's idea. I think the reason that we all got so excited is because my dad never wants to host events at my parent's house. Since it was his idea, we all went out of our way to make it a huge ordeal.

My contribution to the party was a popcorn and candy bar. I mean... popcorn, candy and movies go hand-in-hand so it was a no-brainer for me.
I wanted to include salty-sweet flavor combinations and give everyone an opportunity to create their own delicious mix.

Here are some things you'll want to consider:
Popcorn M&M's
Marshmallows Chocolate Chips Butterscotch Chips Melted chocolate Sprinkles (to put on top of the melted chocolate) Pretzels Gummy Bears Raisinets Crunch Bites Popcorn Seasoning

The popcorn bar was a huge success! Everyone had so much fun creating different combinations to enjoy during the movies. And for the record... gummy bears and popcorn are a pretty great combo!
Be sure to catch all of my great party ideas by liking me on Facebook or following me on Twitter and Instagram. I hope to see you there!