Hey, y'all! I apologize for the radio silence on the blog this week, things have been kind of hectic in our household. If you follow me on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Podcast), you may have seen the announcement that we are officially foster parents. 11 days ago, just before midnight two little ones were delivered to our home. Our foster son, Little Boy, is 3 1/2 years old and our foster daughter, Baby Girl, is now 10 weeks old. They were dropped off with one car seat and a diaper bag that had 4 diapers, 1/4 can of formula and 3 pairs of pajamas for the baby. Little Boy didn't even have underwear on when he got here. The CPI (Child Protective Investigators) simply handed us a red folder with very limited information and ran away as fast as they could. We went days before we heard from anyone. My anxiety levels skyrocketed, I don't know how we survived that first week.

Now that we finally have some sort of a routine down, I'm able to sit down and type of a quick blog post to apologize for my absence. The first week was a bit of an adjustment for us all! Little Boy has started day care and as soon as we get our day care vouchers situated, Baby Girl will be joining him so that I can return to work. With our new "normal" established and in place, I'll be back to blogging this coming week. If you haven't already done so, pop on over to the podcast (on iTunes and on Sound Cloud) to hear more details about our placements.
We'll chat soon.