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Our Journey of Becoming Foster Parents

Writer: ElleElle

Join us in our journey of becoming foster parents!

Hey, y'all! I have something super exciting (and outrageously scary) to share with you. We're going to be Foster Parents! Can you believe it? We both know that this will be both an incredibly difficult, yet rewarding role for us. I thought it might be fun to share our journey with you each Friday in a segment called Foster Fridays.

Fostering is something we've talked about for a couple of years now. We're in a situation where we can help make someone's lives a little better, so why not? We believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a somewhat "normal life". There's no telling what some of these children have seen or experienced, which is beyond frightening. We hope to help give them a sense of normalcy and help comfort them and put them at ease. This just feels right for us.

We recently opened up to our family and closest friends about our journey and they've been so supportive. It's been amazing to watch their faces light up as we tell them about our exciting news. It's so great that we have such a wonderful support system. We're most definitely going to need them!

So far we've been through the interview and paperwork process and today we have our home visit scheduled. Afterward, we'll take a few weeks worth of courses before we can have a child placed in our care. It's crazy how fast things happen once the ball is rolling!

Tune in next Friday where we share with you the interview process! I'll share with you the types of questions that are asked and give you a little insight about what future foster parent candidates must be prepared to answer.

Be sure to give me a like on Facebook or follow me on Twitter for more of our journey! I'm so excited to share our next step with you!

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