Hey, y’all! Have you had enough of this weather yet? I think it’s safe to say that the groundhog was right this year. The weather down here in Florida has been fluctuation between the high 30’s and the low 80’s. I’ve gone from laying out at the park in a tank and shorts to being bundled up in a hoodie in a span of less than 24 hours. I know that’s nothing compared to the snow that some of y’all are dealing with, but by Florida standards, it’s been chilly for this time of year. Going from tank tops and shorts to long sleeves is for the birds.
Speaking of those of you who have been experiencing snow, lately, I’ve been sharing some food activities and art projects that you can do to keep your youngins entertained. Be sure to check out my Spring Tic Tac Toe, Rainbow Cloud Treats, Rainbow in a Jar Sorting Activity, and Pikachu Easter Treats.
To help get myself in the Spring Spirit, and to hopefully help usher it along, I've broken out the bunnies and the pastels and gotten our home ready for warmer weather.

I have to admit, I'm a bit of an impulse shopper. When I saw these carrots, I just had to have them. They are so simple to make but I needed them right then and there. As you can see... I'm still not ready to part with the black and white buffalo plaid.
I have to tell you, a couple of years ago my mom and I searched for black and white buffalo plaid. We looked everywhere imaginable. Two years later, it popped up in every store in North America. It's one of my favorite patterns of all time!

My parents bought me this beautiful tobacco basket and galvanized jug for Christmas this year. It was love at first sight. I created the floral spray in the center to complete the look. Underneath I stuck a few antique bottles, some easter eggs in a pitcher, a bunny and my moss covered eggs.

One of my favorite things about spring, besides the weather, is all of the colors which is pretty surprising if you know me. Pastels are rarely in my color pallet but there's something about this time of year that makes me flock towards them. My spring decor is filled with spring colors, burlap, galvanized metal, and a bit of whimsical rustic charm.

As some of you may know, I have a slight, somewhat healthy, obession with bunny butts. Check out this simple Bunny Butt project. If you like this one, you'll also like my Nature Inspired Bunny. Isn't this milk jug incredible? I found it while helping my grandmother clean out her garage. It came from a dairy in the town where parents and grandparents grew up. Pretty cool, eh?
I hope that you all are having a great week! I'll be heading out on a cruise this Saturday so I may be out of touch for awhile if you try to hit me up on social media or via email. Y'all enjoy the best of spring :)