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Book Lovers Pumpkin

Writer: ElleElle

Hey, y'all! My inner pumpkin lover is showing, can you tell? After sharing my Cork Pumpkin and my Favorite Fall Farmhouse Finds on Amazon for Less than $25, I'm sure that by now you can tell that I am a pumpkin fanatic. Fall is my ultimate favorite holiday... probably because we don't really get to experience it here in hot and muggy Florida.

Typically when I decorate, I stick to just sprucing up our library, living room and kitchen with festive farmhouse finds with a few DIY projects sprinkled in for good measure. This year, I decided to play around with old book pages to come up with a fun pumpkin perfect for book lovers.

Tada! Here it is! I simply took a Dollar Store pumpkin and slathered it with Modge Podge. I then took book pages, that were cut into 1" wide strips, and completely covered the pumpkin. I think the end result is pretty cute. It's definitely perfect for our library!

For a step by step how-to, check out the following video:

And because I'm completely shameless, here's a blooper reel for you!

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