Hello, friends! If you stopped by Maps & Monograms earlier this week than you may recall that I found my decorating theme for this Spring! It's moss & burlap! Our house backs up to the woods and I've been spending a lot of time staring out the window watching the birds and squirrels frolicking around.
Moss Plastic Eggs
Adhesive of choice

Firstly, let me say that I used a spray adhesive and it was a hot freakin' mess. I HATE that stuff, so I'm not sure why in the world I chose it. It would be much easier to use a different kind of glue for this project. By the end of the project my hands looked like I was turning to Shrek or the Jolly Green Giant.

This project couldn't be any easier. Simply cover the egg in the adhesive of your choice and roll it into a pile of green moss. Continue adding adhesive and moss until your egg is completely covered.

Next, spruce up your egg by adding lace, burlap, ribbon and buttons.

And viola! The finished product is a simple, rustic, shabby chic moss covered egg perfect for spring time!