Hello, friends! As some of you may know, I am a teacher. I spend the day in a classroom with my best-friend and 36 8 and 9-year-olds. For years we said that we could never work together. We always thought our personalities and quirks were too different from one another and we assumed we'd drive each other crazy.
My partner speaks quietly, is very structured and extremely organized. We're talking all of the labels in our cabinets have to face the same way, everything is labeled and has its space.
Me, on the other hand...I'm structured, but I'm kind of a hot mess. My organizational skills pale in comparison to hers. By the time I come up with an idea, she's already 157 steps ahead of me. Oh...and I'm loud, animated and energetic.
There's no way we'd be a good pair.
At least, so we thought. Our Principal had a different opinion on the matter. Last year she pulled us into the office and proposed that we co-teach 2nd Grade together. After a private conversation, we agreed to try it.
I have to admit it, The Boss was right! We actually make a really great team! We don't drive each other nearly as crazy as we thought we would.
Now, knowing that in the beginning of January she'd start thinking about Valentine's Day, I figured I'd start doing the same. So, one quiet afternoon after everyone else had gone home for the day, I sat down at my table and began playing around with scissors and paint.
I came up with this little project that would be easy for our kids to do independently and could be adapted so that younger kids could do it with a little assistance.

I traced a picture frame that I had behind my desk so I knew about how much space I had to work with.

Next, I folded a piece of paper and cut out a teardrop shape so that when it was unfolded I would have a heart. ​​

I placed the heart in the center of the workspace and used an eraser to begin making dots around the heart. I alternated between pink and red and used two different sized erasers to create different size dots.
The outcome was pretty cute! My plan is to have the kids use their fingers to create the dots. Although I'm calling this project "Thumb"body Loves You, the kids will be using their pointer fingers since they are a little smaller.
Naturally, I have some students who hate getting dirty so they'll be using an eraser like I did.
This little project is simple, fun to make and would make a great Valentine's gift for a parent or grandparent.

Check out how all of my Valentine's Day DIY projects came together in my Valentine's Day Home Tour! Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more kid-friendly projects and DIY Projects.