I'm guilty ya'll. Guilty of pinning and pinning lots and lots, and...well, lots, of things on Pinterest and then never doing anything with them.
If you were to take one look at my Pinterest boards you'd think I was the next Martha Stewart. I have incredible recipes and the most adorable crafts and gorgeous DIY projects pinned. I have all of these grand ideas of how I'm going to carry all of these plans out and then... nothing.

I love doing crafty things just as much as I love laying around on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and drinking wine, but doing these crafts involves me making a trip to the craft store, dealing with people and actually sitting down to get them done.
I think that's what prevents me from doing them, the whole going out and purchasing things step.
Granted, I have tried several recipes from Pinterest but that's mostly because eating is an essential part of life and partly because my mom has set the bar high in the entertaining and appetizers department.
Is it too early to set a New Years Resolution? I mean, chances are it'll get broken anyway, right?
Wrong mentality.
Today, December 13th I am setting my New Years Resolution! My goal is to do more craft projects. To help bring my inner Martha out and actually make my time on Pinterest worthwhile.
Here are some things I would like to make:
1. Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
This year our tree is getting more and more rustic each year and I think these ornaments would look pretty rad on our tree.
Even better? I have plenty of mason jar lids so I won't have to venture out to the stores and risk throat punching anyone.
The struggle is so real ya'll.
Source: Clean & Scentsible

Source: Sadie's Seasongoods
I'm thinking buffalo plaid and the brown wreaths would help complete our look. I think even my niece would enjoy making something like this.
2. Scrabble Tile Christmas Tree
While I have Christmas on the brain, I'm so in love with this Christmas Scrabble Tree. I may even be slightly obsessed with it. It would look great hanging in my library over our black leather reading chair. I have plenty of Scrabble tiles, it's just a matter of finding a frame I like.

Source: Thistlewood Farms
3. Oversized Chalkboard
We have this awkward miniature hallway that connects our library with our living area. It's seriously like 3 feet long. One of the walls has a couple of shelves that I redecorate each season and the wall across from it usually gets a piece of seasonal art work. I think that this could be the perfect space for an oversized chalkboard. I'm envisioning chalk pumpkins, Easter bunnies and Christmas trees, little bits of seasonal art work to go with our Modern Farm House Style

We have plenty of wood from when we had to board the windows from Hurricane Matthew so this would be a relatively cheap and effective project. Don't you think?
4. Framed Hand-Written Recipes
So I've seen these all over Pinterest and I absolutely love this idea. You get your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, what have you, to write one of their favorite recipes (or a family recipe) out on a piece of paper and then you frame it and put it on display in your kitchen.
That may be the longest sentence I've ever typed so I'm going to break this up
Ah, that's better.
As I was saying, since I'm so into our family history and cooking, I think this would be a really cool keepsake. So what's stopping me? I know my mom would send me a recipe (and she only lives like 3 miles away), but I'm not 100% sure I'd get it back from my grandmother. My mother-in-law doesn't exactly cook but I could hit up the grandmothers on that side.

How incredible is this ya'll? I mean... I would even sacrifice my coffee mug pallet for this. Heck, maybe I could even incorporate it into the layout. Okay maybe not but, swoon.
Alright so I'm stopping with 4 because I'm feeling overwhelmed...and running out of wall space to plan for.
What do ya'll think? Which project should I tackle first/