What do you say to someone you've never met when you've just been entrusted in the care of their child? Check out our letter to the biological parent(s) of our future foster child.

Hey, y'all! Happy Friday! Friday's here on the blog mean one thing- it's time to talk about foster care. Last week I launched a brand spanking new podcast called Foster Friday to compliment the material here on the blog. Throughout this series I've chatted with you about the steps we've taken to become foster parents including the Face to Face Interview and Background Check, The Initial Home Visit, Taking Classes and Home Study and Health Inspection.
Each week during our PRIDE Class, we had a homework assignment. Sometimes it was as simple as jotting down our schedules and imagining how they might be impacted by having a foster child or writing down our family tree. One week our homework was a bit more challenging. We were asked to write two letters, one for our future foster child and one to their biological parent.
Writing a letter to someone you've never met is trickier than it sounds, especially when you know absolutely nothing about them or their situation. What do you say to somebody who has just lost custody of their child? Can anything you say comfort them? Provide them with any sense of relief? I can't even begin to imagine what that must feel like.
Now, I don't know if they are ever going to show this letter to anyone or if it was just an exercise to get our gears turning and put us in the biological parent's shoes. I sat down at the computer, racked my brain and came up with this:
Dear Parent,
We know that you are going through a difficult time right now and it may seem that your situation may have just gone from bad to worse. We cannot imagine the agony that you are feeling right now. We want to express our deepest sympathy and condolences towards your situation. We promise you that we will do the very best to take care of your child while you take the time you need to make the necessary changes in your life.
We want you to know that you will receive zero judgment from us. We don’t know you nor do we know your life story or what brought you to where you are this day. We want you to know that we are here for you and your child. We are now a part of your team. Our goal is to give you the support you need to get you through these difficult times and to give your child the most loving home possible.
We are sure that it must be incredibly scary knowing that your child is living with someone that you’ve never met before. Maybe it will help you be more at ease if we tell you a little bit about us? Michelle is an elementary school teacher that loves to travel, read, and learn about the world around her. Ashley is an office manager who loves watching her Dallas Cowboys play and curling up with a good book. We spend most of our weekends at the park with our two dogs. We are very family oriented and your child will be surrounded by our sweet nieces and an entire family that is willing to welcome your child into their lives.
We hope that you open your heart to us, as we have done for you. We are here for you.
With love,
Michelle and Ashley
It's not much, I'm not the most sentimental person, but maybe it'll help the parent feel a little better knowing that their child(ren) are with two people that are kind, caring and open-minded.

Give me a like on Facebook or follow me on Twitter to follow along with the rest of our foster care journey. Be sure to tune in on Friday's for our podcast as well! See you next time!