Are you heading camping soon? Take these DIY Fire Starters with you to help get your fire going!

Hey, y'all! A short while back, Ashley and I went camping with my cousin Brad on Lake Murray in South Carolina. We had so much fun hiking the trails and walking the coastline with the pups. Lady Belle and Parker (the pups) had an absolute blast chasing after ducks, playing with other dogs and swimming in the freezing cold water.

As the sun started to go down, the temperatures began to plummet. Now, if it was up to Ashley and Brad, they would drench the fire with lighter fluid and act like cavemen poking and prodding the flames with sticks. Oh, wait... that's exactly how it happened... like EVERY SINGLE time we lit a fire. Insert eye roll here.

When I started the fire up, however, rather than tossing a bunch of chemicals onto the fire, I used my Cheap, Quick & Easy Fire Starters. Now the internet has countless ways to make these guys- some of them are ridiculously complicated and others are super simple like my method. I use three simple materials that you probably already have on hand- dryer lint, empty paper towel tubes and wax paper.
We have a bin next to the dryer where we store our dryer lint. Rather than throwing it away, we stuff it into cardboard tubes and wrap the tubes in wax paper.

Simply toss one of these bad boys on top of a pile of wood, light it with a lighter and watch it go up into flames. The wax paper and lint (full of dog hair in our case) are both extremely flammable. The helped start up the fire right away--- without the use of lighter fluid.

What tips do you have for camping? Drop your camping hacks in the comment section below! Be sure to save this pin for later and give us a like on Facebook so you can see all of our camping tips and tricks. See you next time!